Emily Freda Sharp


Curated By Girls | B-Movies

Curated By Girls | B-Movies

In collaboration with Curated by Girls, a platform for emerging, diverse creative talent, this series of shorts was produced entirely within the four walls of Emily's flat during the first global lockdown. Taking inspiration from the classic 'B-Movie', the series set out to lovingly parody and pastiche some of Emily's favourite films.

"Imitation isn't just the highest form of flattery, it's also an incredible tool for discovery. Not only did it challenge me to break down and identify what it is a I love about these films, it helped me to see the commonalities in my own creations."

An official definition for the B-Movie describes it as 'a lively, energetic film uninhibited by the constraints imposed on more expensive projects.' The resulting homemade series garnered over 75,000 views through social distribution.

Full feature
Social coverage



Writer and Director | Emily Freda Sharp
Distributor |
Curated by Girls