Emily Freda Sharp


Nourished | Stack The Odds

Nourished | Stack The Odds

Launched as part of a full-circle rebrand, this cross-platform advert set out to introduce and encapsulate Nourished's new tagline; 'Stack The Odds In Your Flavour'.

"With the visual language of TikTok front of mind for the team, I worked to develop key moments within the film that provided bold transitions to grab the viewer's attention. Taking inspiration from the gummy itself, I wanted to establish each of our cast within their own colour pallet, representing the corresponding colours of the product."

Landing the key messages, the film provided a new blueprint for the brand's identity.



Director | Emily Freda Sharp
Agency |
Be Deft
Executive Producers |
Ian Crocombe & Melissa Snover
Producer |
Holly Patrick
Creative Director |
Katherine Mitchell
Writer and Art Director | Niran Virod
Chris Miller
Editor |
Emily Freda Sharp
Production Designer | Aaron Vernon
Stylist |
Ashley Johnson
MUA | Katy Bird
Music |
Stills Photographer |
Dan Mogg

Featured Artists |
Ellie Ryan
Grace Acladna
Ailton Moreira
Alex Beer
Tommy Blake
Pirjo Hickman